Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Origin of constellations names

Mithology, and the constellations


Ram or Golden Fleece

In Greek mythology, the ram carried Athamas's son Phrixux and daugther Helle to Colchis to escape Ino. When the ram reached Colchis, Phrixux sacrificed the ram and hung it´s fleece in the Grove or Ares. This fleece turned to gold and later was the quest of Jason and the Argonauts.

The constellation name was common in Greek, Babylonian and Egyptian cultures


The Bull
Babylonian constellation
Jupiter turns into bull to carry off Europa, daughter of king of Crete
It is also said that Zeus brought the ram to try and win the heart of Europa


Twin brothers

The two bright stars; Castor and Pollux, are also the brothers´s names. They were the brothers of Helen of Troy

They are also the protectors of ships and sailors



Juno sent a crab to defeat Hercules while fighting Hydra. The crab was crushed by Hercules



Prehistoric constellation associated with royalty. In Egyptian mythology, it represents the life giving floods since the Sun was in this constellation during the heavy rains.

In greek mythology, Leo represents the Nemean Lion wich was killed by Hercules.


The virgin

Goddess of farms and harvest. Virgo could also represent Ishtar, Isis, Demeter, Cybele, and Athena.

Also thought to represent Astraea, the daugther of Zeus representing justice.

It is also suggested that Virgo represents Persephone, queen of the underworld.



The only "non-living" object in the Zodiac

Romans chopped claws from Scorpio during Autumn Equinox to make Libra.

In Greek


The Scorpion

Sent by Gaia to kill Orion when he said he would like kill all animals.

It is also said that Apollo sent the scorpion to kill Orion

Orion and Scorpio are on opposite sides of the sky


The Archer

A Chiron, half-man, half-horse, sent to kill the scorpion(Scorpio)

In Babylonian mythology, this represents the demon Pabilsaq


Sea Goat
Also known as Amalthea who provided for baby Zeus after Rhea saved him from Cronos

The word "cornucopia" comes from the broken horn of Capricorn, or the "horn of plenty" 


Water Carrier

Babylonian Name

In Greek mythology, Aquarius(also known as Ganymede in Roman myth) was a beautiful young boy whom Zeus brought to Olympus to be the cup bearer of the Gods.It is suggested that Zeus fell in love with Acuarius.


Two Fish

Venus and her son Cupid escaped Typhon as two fish tied together.

In Greek


Serpent Holder

While not an Astrological sign, Sun spends longer time here than in Scorpio

In Greek mythology, Ophiuchus is a legendary physician who tried to become inmortal to avoid death. Zeus killed him with a bolt of lightening, but honored him because of good works.


  1. The Babylonian, Greek, Arabic and Egyptian cultures were very smart, I don't know where they got so many stories which have survived until today. It's just incredible!
    I hope that this work would help you to realize how important some cultures are, specially in the astronomy and astrology! Extremely impressive your blog!

    Camila Niño Vega

  2. good images and concise information
    good job!!
    Pamela Briones 3ºD
